
My name is Daniel Büsken and I’m a media designer and artist from Germany. I like drawing and painting, especially superhero-related artwork.
I have over 20 years of experience in drawing and painting and aside from creating art myself, I have found an interest in teaching other people how to get better at drawing. That‘s why I set up my blog and my YouTube channel.
If you want to check out some of my art, feel free to check out my gallery!
Below is a little rundown of my history with art.
Artistic History
I was born in Raesfeld, Germany. All my life I’ve been drawn to the visual side of life. Like most children I drew a lot when I was young. TV shows like Power Rangers or Gargoyles, but especially superhero shows and comics inspired countless of the little scribbles and drawings of my childhood. Unlike most people who stop drawing at some point, I kept going. I always got good feedback which motivated me to go on and try to get better.

High School
In high school I started drawing my own little comics based on Pokémon and Dragonball (which was famous in Germany at that time). Of course, that was way more interesting than following some of the lessons at school… During that time I also started working through several “How To Draw” books, starting with some manga stuff and continuing to more in-depth figure drawing books – even doing some anatomy studies.

The Ten Year Break
When I was 16 though puberty hit hard and I lost all interest in art almost instantaneously. I figured that if I wasn’t enjoying drawing that it wouldn’t make sense to force it. That decision led to 10 years of drawing next to nothing. In 2008 and 2009 I drew a couple of pictures, but that’s about it. In hindsight I must say that I could be a much better artist nowadays, if I had used those 10 years to improve my craft. In the end I did waste a lot of time on video games, but it is what it is and no amount of regret will change the past.
While I didn’t draw much during that time I didn’t lose my connection to visual stuff though. I became a media designer and somewhat satisfied my creative desires that way.

2014 – 2016
It wasn’t until years later in 2014 when I befriended a co-worker (you know who you are!) who saw some old drawings of mine and motivated me quite convincingly to start again. Even then I only finished a few bigger projects a year and it wasn’t until 2017 that I started drawing somewhat regularly again.

In 2017 and 2018 I finally found my groove again and started an Instagram account, a YouTube channel and did some outdoor live painting (see below). Now, in 2019, I’m starting this website for everyone who is interested in my art and my thoughts on drawing and painting.

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